Since Thursday, August 24, 2006, no longer holds the status of Pluto as a planet in the solar neighborhood. The decision was taken through the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, Czech Republic, which ended August 25, 2006. The decision was issued so that the planet Pluto from the list of our solar system now consists of only eight planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Issued a decision that Pluto is a planet of the solar system family member for 76 years was a consequence of the enactment of new definitions of planets. The planet definition set forth in Resolution 5A The IAU 26th General Assembly.
In that resolution stated, an object can be called a planet if it meets three requirements, which orbited the Sun, is large enough so as to maintain a round shape, and have a clear orbit path and no other orbits around it.
With the new definition, Pluto is not entitled to the name of the planet because it does not qualify a third, in which Pluto's orbit cuts the planet Neptune. Thus, in circulation around the Sun, Pluto ever closer to the Sun than Neptune.
Among the objects in the Solar System, Pluto is the smallest, both in size and number of times. Pluto is even smaller than 7 months in the solar system, namely the Moon, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Calisto, Titan, and Triton. Pluto has a diameter of 4,862 km and has a mass of 0.002 Earth masses. Ie Pluto's rotation period 6.39 days, while the 248.4-year period of revolution.
Pluto form similar to the Moon with the atmosphere containing methane and carbon monoxide. Pluto's surface temperature ranges from -2,330 to -2,230 degrees Celsius, so the most tangible ice. Until now, Pluto has three known satellites, namely Charon (discovered in 1978), as well as Nix and Hydra (both discovered in 2005). Based on the record Simple, Pluto discovered by Clyde William Tombaugh, a young astronomer at Lowell Observatory, the United States on February 18, 1930. Until 2006, Pluto became the farthest planet in the solar system with a distance of 5,900.1 million kilometers from the sun. Issuance of the membership of the planet Pluto in the solar system, according to Director of Bosscha Observatory, Hakim L. Malasan, very surprising astronomers in the world. Moreover, the last planet found in solar system we already had its own place in the hearts of astronomers.
Moreover, removal of the title planet of Pluto, according to Hakim, making the United States, country of origin of Pluto discoverer of fire beard. Because, it brings the consequences of changes throughout the textbook, a dictionary of astronomy, smart books, and encyclopedias in the world that already include Pluto as a planet-9. Nevertheless, references to Pluto constantly updated in order to obtain more detailed information about the dwarf planet. "The U.S. government is not reluctant to spend big to continue to conduct research about Pluto. The mission of unmanned New Horizons is one of them efforts to unravel the mysteries of Pluto," he said when met at the Bosscha Observatory recently.
Although it has now shot up to past Uranus, according to Hakim, the shuttle New Horizon still needs information from the earth to get to Pluto. Pluto occultation observations at 23 and 27 June could actually add a reference date on Pluto for the benefit of traveling New Horizons. Unfortunately, the observations on June 27 failed because of the clouds and the shadow of the occultation is not in accordance with predictions.
Hakim said the study Pluto is one of the many astronomical observations which tried to open the eyes of the world about the breadth of science. Changes the definition of planets that cause the release of the membership of the solar system Pluto is also one indication of the development of science.
"Currently we believe that the members of our solar system now consists of eight since the release of Pluto. But, someday, might be discovered planets and other celestial bodies in our solar system, because science continues to evolve," he said.*** [CECEP WIJAYA SARI|PIKIRAN RAKYAT 07072011]

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